science, Technical knowledge

Navy’s Only Nuclear Attack Submarine Returns To Russia Before Lease Expires

A submarine of the Russian Akula-2 Class, INS Chakra was commissioned into the Indian Navy on April 4, 2012 and was based in Visakhapatnam.

INS Chakra is sailing to Vladivostok, Russia where she will be returned from where she was leased

New Delhi: The unexpected emergence of the Indian Navy’s only nuclear powered attack submarine, the INS Chakra, in the waters of the Singapore Straits heralds the end of her service in the Indian Navy.
NDTV has learned that the 8,140-ton submarine is presently en route to Vladivostok, Russia where she is being returned approximately ten months prior to the expiry of her ten-year lease that cost New Delhi approximately $2 billion. She is being operated by an Indian crew and is being accompanied by a Russian and Indian warship.

A submarine of the Russian Akula-2 Class, Chakra was commissioned into the Indian Navy on April 4, 2012 and was based in Visakhapatnam. She was the second nuclear-powered submarine acquired by India from Russia bearing the name Chakra

Posted by Technical Mechzone

Technical knowledge, Uncategorized

Who is watching the profile photo of your WhatsApp, you can find out with this special trick, learn step by step

आपके मन यह सवाल उठता है कि कौन-कौन आपकी प्रोफाइल और डीपी देखता है तो इसका जवाब आपको हमारी इस खबर में मिलेगा। हम आपको यहां एक खास ट्रिक बताएंगे जिसके जरिए आप यह पता कर सकेंगे कि कौन-कौन आपकी डीपी और प्रोफाइल देख रहा है।

नई दिल्ली, टेक डेस्क। आजकल सभी लोग Whatsapp पर अपनी पहचान के लिए अपनी तस्वीर लगाते हैं। जाहिर है आपने भी अपनी फोटो व्हाट्सएप पर लगाई होगी और आपके मन में भी यह सवाल जरूर उठा होगा कि आपकी डीपी कौन-कौन देखता है। आज हम आपको यहां एक खास ट्रिक की जानकारी देने जा रहे हैं, जिसके माध्यम से आप यह पता लगा सकेंगे कि आपकी डीपी और प्रोफाइल को कौन-कौन देख रहा है।

ऐसे पता करें किसने देखी है आपकी व्हाट्सएप डीपी और प्रोफाइल

आपकी व्हाट्सएप डीपी या प्रोफाइल कौन देख रहा है, इसका पता करने के लिए सबसे पहले गूगल प्ले स्टोर पर जाएं अब यहां से अपने मोबाइल में Whats Tracker: Who Viewed My Profile नाम का मोबाइल ऐप डाउनलोड करें ऐप डाउनलोड होने के बाद उसे ओपन करके मोबाइल नंबर और पासवर्ड सेट करें इसके बाद आपको एक लिस्ट दिखाई देगी, जिसमें उन दोस्तों के नाम होंगे, जिन्होंने पिछले 24 घंटे में आपकी प्रोफाइल और डीपी देखी है
व्हाट्सएप का लेटेस्ट फीचर

बता दें कि इंस्टेंट मैसेजिंग ऐप व्हाट्सएप ने कुछ समय पहले म्यूट वीडियो फीचर पेश किया था। इस फीचर के माध्यम से यूजर्स वीडियो भेजने से पहले उसकी आवाज को म्यूट कर सकेंगे। यानी, जब दूसरे यूजर को वीडियो मिलेगा, तो उसमें कोई आवाज नहीं होगी। व्हाट्सएप म्यूट वीडियो फीचर पर काफी समय से काम कर रहा था।

ऐसे करें म्यूट वीडियो फीचर का इस्तेमाल

आप जिस यूजर को बिना आवाज वाला वीडियो भेजना चाहते हैं, तो सबसे पहले उसके व्हाट्सएप अकाउंट पर जाएं यहां मैसेज बॉक्स पर क्लिक करके गैलरी में जाएं और उस वीडियो चुनें, जिसे आप भेजना चाहते हैं जैसे ही आप वीडियो पर क्लिक करेंगे, तो आपको टॉप लेफ्ट साइड में स्पीकर का आइकन दिखाई देगा, उस पर टैप करें इतना करते ही वीडियो की आवाज बंद हो जाएगा

Technical knowledge, Technology, Uncategorized

If your phone is wet then do not make these mistakes, follow these methods to fix

Getting a new smartphone obviously makes you happy. But all the happiness gets dissipated if the phone falls into the water. Many waterproof phones also come in the market but not everyone takes waterproof phones. Because they are expensive.

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In such a situation, if the phone falls in water or gets soaked in rain, then in some ways they can be fixed. Here are the ways you can fix a phone that falls in water.

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After removing the phone falling in the water, do not try to turn it on. Many people turn on the phone to check whether the phone is working or not. Which is wrong. Our advice will be, do not do this at all.

Apart from this, do not even try to charge the phone at that time. Do not dry the phone with a hair dryer. There is a lot of hot air coming out of the hair dryer, it can cause great damage to the parts of your phone. Even by giving normal air, water can reach the parts of the phone where it has not reached. This can cause more damage to your phone.

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It has become a matter of what not to do after the phone falls into the water. Now let’s talk about what can be done to save the phone after the phone falls into the water.

If the phone is powered on even after getting out of the water, then first turn it off. Remove the SIM card and micro-SD card from the phone. If your phone has a removable battery, then also remove the battery. If possible, take the phone with a non-removable battery to the mobile repairing shop and get its battery removed.

You can also do this yourself by watching tutorial videos from YouTube. But if you are not a tech-savvy, it would be better to take it to a mobile repairing shop. Chances of damage to the phone are greatly reduced due to battery removal.

With the help of cloth, dry the maximum water in the phone. Then put the phone in the sack of rice and leave it inside. This method is used a lot to dry the phone

This method is used a lot to dry the phone. Leave it in a sack of rice for at least 24 hours. After this, check whether your phone is on or not.

If the phone is not turned on, then the phone’s battery may be damaged. Get it done by a professional mechanic.

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If the phone is on, then check whether the phone speakers are working properly by playing music or video from the phone. If everything is working properly then your phone is perfectly fine.

Apart from all these, you can also use the water resistant cover you are getting in the market. These covers give a considerable degree of protection even after your phone falls into the water.

Posted by Technical Mechzone

science, Technical knowledge, Uncategorized

फोन से करते हैं पैसों की लेनदेन, तो तुरंत बंद कर दें इन 10 एप्स का इस्तेमाल, वरना उठाना होगा नुकसान

इन मैलिसियस एप्स के फोन में इंस्टॉल होने से हैकर्स आपकी बैकिंग डिटेल की चोरी कर सकते हैं। ऐसे में अगर आपके मोबाइल फोन में ये 10 खतरनाक एप्स इंस्टॉल हैं तो तुरंत इन्हें अनइंस्टॉल कर दें। वरना आपको नुकसान उठाना पड़ सकता है।
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नई दिल्ली, टेक डेस्क। अगर आप मोबाइल फोन से डिजिटल लेनदेन यानि पैसों का ऑनलाइन ट्रांजैक्शन करते हैं, तो आपको कुछ बातों को लेकर सावधानी बरतनी चाहिए। दरअसल चेक प्वाइंट रिसर्च में एक नये खतरनाक मैलिसियस एप्स के सेट की पहचान हुई है, जो आपके वित्तीय लेनदेन को नुकसान पहुंचा सकते हैं। मतलब इन मैलिसियस एप्स के फोन में इंस्टॉल होने से हैकर्स आपकी बैकिंग डिटेल की चोरी कर सकते हैं। ऐसे में अगर आपके मोबाइल फोन में ये 10 खतरनाक एप्स इंस्टॉल हैं, तो तुरंत इन्हें अनइंस्टॉल कर दें। वरना आपको नुकसान उठाना पड़ सकता है।

Google को चकमा देने में सक्षम हैं ये मोबाइल एप्स

चेक प्वाइंट रिसर्च के ब्लॉग पोस्ट के मुताबिक, जिन 10 एंड्राइड एप्स की पहचान हुई है,जो Clast82 नामक ड्रॉपर से संक्रमित हुए हैं, जो किसी व्यक्ति के स्मार्टफोन में AlienBot Banker और MRAT इंस्टॉल करता है। एलियनबोट एक प्रकार का मैलवेयर है, जो फाइनेंशियल एप्स को प्रभावित कर सकता है और बैकिंग डिटेल को चोरी करने का काम करता है। यह ड्रापर इतने शक्तिशाली हैं, जो आसानी Google को धोखा देकर बच निकलने में सक्षम है। साथ ही टू-फैक्टर ऑथेंटिकेशन कोड को भी चकमा दे सकते हैं। इससे वित्तीय लेनदेन में नुकसान उठाना पड़ सकता है।

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फोन से तुरंत हटा दें ये मोबाइल एप्स

चेन प्वाइंट रिसर्च ने इस बाबत Google से बातचीत करके Google Play Store से इन दस खतरनाम एप्स को हटाने की मांग की है। Google ने साफ किया है कि कंपनी इन सभी एप्स को हटा दिया गया है, लेकिन अगर इसके बावजूद आपके फोन में ये खतरनाक एप्स मौजूद हैं, तो तुरंत हटा दें। बता दें Google की तरफ से भी समय-समय पर Google Play Store से खतरनाक एप्स को हटाया जाता है।

Posted by Technical Mechzone

Technical knowledge, Technology, Uncategorized

Why mobile charger has white and black color !!!!!!!!

Everyone uses mobile phones. Ever since smartphones have come, many types of colors and designs have started to be found in mobile phones. People can select the color and design of the mobile phone according to their age and choice. But if we talk about its charger, then you have only two options. Black and white.

How the mobile charger works
A charger is a device that through the Electricity restores the charge of the battery. Battery chargers are external devices that users connect to the AC mains point of their home, with an adapter that converts AC current to dc.

Posted by Technical Mechzone

Technical knowledge, Technology

WhatsApp beta for Android what’s new?

WhatsApp has just submitted a new update through the Google Play Beta Program, bringing the version up to
What’s new in this update? Discover all details below!

Common questions. Answers
Name of the feature? Mention badge
Status? Under development
Availability? In a future update.
I’ve the same version but I don’t see this news, why?
:. It’s not available yet, but you can see here a preview of the feature, for a future build.
News about iOS? No news yet.

Mention badge
After several updates that addressed bug fixes and general improvements, WhatsApp has released today the beta update. It has nothing new apparently, but we can show today a preview of the feature they’re working on in this build: the mention badge!
The feature is very simple to explain: when you receive a mention in a group, a new badge will be added in the group cell:

This feature is under development and it will be available in a future update.

Taters N Tots
WhatsApp has recently released a new animated sticker pack called Taters n tots, available for previous versions too.

Posted by Technical Mechzone

earn money, Technical knowledge, trading

Government lists bill to ban Bitcoin in India, create official digital currency

(An RBI booklet on payment systems issued on 25th Jan also showed that the central bank is exploring whether to issue a digital version of the rupee)

In the legislative order of business for the budget session of 17th Lok Sabha that commenced today, the Government has listed a bill providing for the banning of all private cryptocurrencies in India such as bitcoin, ether, ripple and others. The bill also provides for the creation of a legislative framework on an official digital currency.

An RBI booklet on payment systems issued on 25th Jan also showed that the central bank is exploring whether to issue a digital version of the rupee. “Private digital currencies have gained popularity in recent years,” the central bank booklet said. “In India, the regulators and governments have been sceptical about these currencies and are apprehensive about the associated risks.

Nevertheless, RBI is exploring the possibility as to whether there is a need for a digital version of fiat currency and, in case there is, how to operationalize it,” it noted. A previous RBI ban on the use of bank channels for payments associated with cryptocurrency issued in 2018 was overturned by the Supreme Court in March 2020 creating a vacuum in the regulation of cryptocurrency in India. Posted by Technical Mechzone

Technical knowledge

Google says it will shut search engine in Australia if forced to pay for news

SYDNEY – Google said on Friday it will disable its search function in Australia if the government proceeds with a media code that would force it and Facebook Inc to pay local media companies for sharing their content. Australia is on course to pass laws that would make the Big Tech giants negotiate payments with local publishers and broadcasters for content.

If they can’t strike a deal, a government-appointed arbitrator will decide the price. The code’s arbitration model with bias criteria presents unmanageable financial and operational risk for Google,” Mel Silva, managing director for Australia and New Zealand, told a senate committee. “If this version of the code were to become law, it would give us no real choice but to stop making Google Search available in Australia Google’s comments drew sharp rebuke from Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison who said the country makes its rules for “things you can do in Australia.” “People who want to work with that in Australia, you’re very welcome. But we don’t respond to threats,” Morrison told reporters. The United States government this week asked Australia to scrap the proposed laws, which have broad political support, and suggested Australia should pursue a voluntary code instead. Australia announced the legislation last month after an investigation found Alphabet Inc-owned Google and social media giant Facebook held too much market power in the media industry, a situation it said posed a potential threat to a well-functioning democracy. Google’s threat to limit its services in Australia came just hours after the internet giant reached a content-payment deal with some French news publishers. Google’s testimony “is part of a pattern of threatening behaviour that is chilling for anyone who values our democracy,” said Peter Lewis, director of the Australia Institute’s Centre for Responsible Technology. Posted by Technical Mechzone

Technical knowledge

Astrosat satellite spots ‘dinosaurs of the universe’ globular star cluster:

(The team of scientists found about 34 UV-bright stars were found to be members of the globular cluster.)

Astronomers, with the help of India’s first multi-wavelength space satellite Astrosat, have spotted a massive intriguing globular cluster in the Milky Way galaxy with rare hot UV-bright stars in it, the Department of Science and Technology said on Thursday. These stars whose inner core is almost exposed, making them very hot, exist in the late stages of evolution of a Sun-like star.

It is not clear how these stars end their lives as not many of them are detected in these fast-evolving phases, making their study crucial. The old globular clusters referred to as dinosaurs of the universe, present excellent laboratories where astronomers can understand how stars evolve through various phases between their birth and death with spectacular ultraviolet images of the cluster from Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) on board. Astrosat satellite spots dinosaurs of the universe globular star cluster: Dept of Sci-technical The old globular clusters present excellent laboratories where astronomers can understand how stars evolve through various phases between their birth and death.

Image credit: Wikipedia/Richard Hook, ESO With AstroSat, astronomers from the Indian Institute of Astrophysics, an institute of the Department of Science and Technology, distinguished the hot UV-bright stars from the relatively cooler red giant and main-sequence stars which appear dim in these images.

The findings of this study have been accepted for publication in ‘The Astrophysical Journal’. The team of scientists comprising Deepthi S Prabhu, Annapurni Subramaniam and Snehalata Sahu from IIA combined the UVIT data with observations made using other space missions such as the Hubble space telescope and the Gaia telescope along with ground-based optical observations were also used. About 34 UV-bright stars were found to be members of the globular cluster.

From the data, the team derived the properties of these stars such as their surface temperatures, luminosities and radii. “One of the UV-bright stars was found to be about 3,000 times brighter than the Sun with a surface temperature of about 1,00,000 kelvin,” Subramaniam said. Posted by Technical Mechzone

earn money, Technical knowledge, Technical knowledge, trading, Uncategorized

Buying Bitcoin is the most crowded trade; reminiscent of the 2018 crash

Experts are warning of a bubble building up in Bitcoins, especially considering the sudden spike in volatility and increasing institutional participation The latest global fund manager survey published by BofA Securities showed that buying Bitcoin is being viewed as the most “crowded trade”.

After Bitcoin’s massive rally in recent months, it is hardly surprising that this cryptocurrency is fast regaining its lost glory. From a low of $4,000 in mid-March last year, the price of the world’s first and most famous cryptocurrency has risen by nearly 900%.

Currently, Bitcoin is trading at $34,750. Long Bitcoin jumps to top with 36% of fund manager survey investors saying it is the most “crowded trade” dethroning “Long tech” for the first time since October 2019,” said the survey report. “Investors who have been tracking Bitcoins in the past would recollect that a similar rally in 2017 was followed by a crash. In 2017, Bitcoin rallied from the low of around $790 to a peak of $1,9041 in December. Interestingly, in the December 2017 BofA survey, Bitcoin topped the list of most crowded trades.

In 2018, it crashed by 74%. Even now, many experts have been warning of a bubble building up in Bitcoins, especially considering the sudden spike in volatility and increasing institutional participation. “Most cryptocurrencies are notoriously volatile, and the increase in institutional participation may be making things worse.

While demand would increase and volatility ease should corporations hold Bitcoin for business purposes, the opposite is true when institutions gain exposure for speculative purposes. Empirical evidence from other asset classes suggests that higher participation by institutional investors could increase volatility due to their more opportunistic investment approach,” Michael Bolliger, chief investment officer, global emerging markets, UBS Switzerland AG said in a report on 14 January.

Ultimately time will tell what holds true for Bitcoin investors but those in the bullish camp see further upside. For instance, according to JPMorgan Chase & Co, Bitcoin has the potential to reach $146,000 in the long term as it competes with gold as an asset class. Posted by Technical Mechzone

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