nature , atmosphere, universal, global warming, Technical knowledge

Nature is an important and integral part of mankind

It is one of the greatest blessings for human life; however, nowadays humans fail to recognize it as one. Nature has been an inspiration for numerous poets, writers, artists and more of yesteryears.

This remarkable creation inspired them to write poems and stories in the glory of it. They truly valued nature which reflects in their works even today. Essentially, nature is everything we are surrounded by like the water we drink, the air we breathe, the sun we soak in, the birds we hear chirping, the moon we gaze at and more. Above all, it is rich and vibrant and consists of both living and non-living things. Therefore, people of the modern age should also learn something from people of yesteryear and start valuing nature before it gets too late.
Significance of Nature
Nature has been in existence long before humans and ever since it has taken care of mankind and nourished it forever. In other words, it offers us a protective layer which guards us against all kinds of damages and harms. Survival of mankind without nature is impossible and humans need to understand that.

If nature has the ability to protect us, it is also powerful enough to destroy the entire mankind. Every form of nature, for instance, the plants, animals, rivers, mountains, moon, and more holds equal significance for us. Absence of one element is enough to cause a catastrophe in the functioning of human life.
We fulfill our healthy lifestyle by eating and drinking healthy, which nature gives us. Similarly, it provides us with water and food that enables us to do so. Rainfall and sunshine, the two most important elements to survive are derived from nature itself.

Further, the air we breathe and the wood we use for various purposes are a gift of nature only. But, with technological advancements, people are not paying attention to nature. The need to conserve and balance the natural assets is rising day by day which requires immediate attention.

Conservation of Nature
In order to conserve nature, we must take drastic steps right away to prevent any further damage. The most important step is to prevent deforestation at all levels. Cutting down of trees has serious consequences in different spheres. It can cause soil erosion easily and also bring a decline in rainfall on a major level.
Polluting ocean water must be strictly prohibited by all industries straightaway as it causes a lot of water shortage. The excessive use of automobiles, AC’s and ovens emit a lot of Chlorofluorocarbons’ which depletes the ozone layer. This, in turn, causes global warming which causes thermal expansion and melting of glaciers. 

Therefore, we should avoid personal use of the vehicle when we can, switch to public transport and carpooling. We must invest in solar energy giving a chance for the natural resources to replenish.

In conclusion, nature has a powerful transformative power which is responsible for the functioning of life on earth. It is essential for mankind to flourish so it is our duty to conserve it for our future generations. We must stop the selfish activities and try our best to preserve the natural resources so life can forever be nourished on earth

Posted by Technical Mechzone

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Asteroid Warning: धरती से टकराया ऐस्‍टरॉइड तो आएगी तबाही, आपातकालीन प्‍लान बनाने के लिए जुटेंगे विशेषज्ञ

Asteroid News: दुनियाभर के वैज्ञानिक इस महीने की आख‍िर में व‍ियना में बैठक करने जा रहे हैं। इस बैठक में धरती पर ऐस्‍टरॉइड के टकराने के खतरे के बारे में चर्चा होगी। वैज्ञानिकों का अनुमान है क‍ि अगर ऐस्‍टरॉइड धरती से टकराता है तो शरणार्थी संकट पैदा हो जाएगा।

धरती से ऐस्‍टरॉइड के टकराने की आशंकाओं के बीच विशेषज्ञों ने आगाह किया है कि अगर ऐसा संकट कभी आता है तो इससे न केवल तबाही आएगी बल्कि दुनिया में मानवाधिकारों का गंभीर संकट पैदा हो जाएगा। उन्‍होंने कहा कि अगर ऐस्‍टरॉइड के टकराने का खतरा मंडराता है तो इससे विश्‍वभर में शरणार्थियों का बड़ा संकट शुरू हो जाएगा और लोग यूरोप तथा अमेरिका को छोड़कर एशिया, पश्चिम एशिया और प्रशांत महासागर की ओर जा सकते हैं।

इसी खतरे को देखते हुए अंतरिक्ष विशेषज्ञ इस महीने एक साथ आ रहे हैं ताकि ऐस्‍टरॉइड के धरती से टकराने की सूरत में एक आपातकालीन प्‍लान बनाया जा सके। विशेषज्ञों ने चेतावनी दी है कि हमें न केवल ऐस्‍टरॉइड के टकराने के शुरुआती असर से निपटने की तैयारी करनी होगी बल्कि उसके बाद पैदा होने वाले मानवाधिकारों के संकट से निपटने के लिए तैयार रहना होगा।

पूरी दुनिया में शरणार्थी संकट पैदा हो जाएगा
वियना में आगामी 26 अप्रैल से 30 अप्रैल के बीच में प्‍लेनेटरी डिफेंस कॉन्‍फ्रेंस होने जा रहा है। इस बैठक में अंतरिक्ष मामलों के विशेषज्ञ यह चर्चा करेंगे कि अगर कोई ऐस्‍टरॉइड जैसी चीज धरती के पास वास्‍तविक रूप से आती है तो उसे लेकर क्‍या करना चाहिए। वैज्ञानिकों एक कल्‍पना के ऐस्‍टरॉइड की मदद से अपनी तैयारियों को परखेंगे। साथ ही उससे बचाव के तरीकों पर काम करेंगे।

इस दौरान वैज्ञानिक यह जानने की कोशिश करेंगे कि यह ऐस्‍टरॉइड धरती के किस हिस्‍से से टकराएगा। वैज्ञानिकों का अनुमान है कि किसी छोटे ऐस्‍टरॉइड के टकराने से कुछ किलोमीटर तक और अगर कोई बड़ा ऐस्‍टरॉइड टकराता है तो उसका असर कई सौ किलोमीटर तक हो सकता है। उनका कहना है कि अगर हम पहले से तैयारी नहीं करते हैं तो इस विस्‍फोट में लाखों लोगों की जान जा सकती है। तटीय इलाकों में बाढ़ आ सकती है। इससे पूरी दुनिया में शरणार्थी संकट पैदा हो जाएगा। वैज्ञानिकों का अनुमान है कि अमेरिका और यूरोप में ऐस्‍टरॉइड टकरा सकते हैं जिससे एशिया में शरणार्थी संकट पैदा हो सकता है।

धरती को कितना नुकसान?
वायुमंडल में दाखिल होने के साथ ही आसमानी चट्टानें टूटकर जल जाती हैं और कभी-कभी उल्कापिंड की शक्ल में धरती से दिखाई देती हैं। ज्यादा बड़ा आकार होने पर यह धरती को नुकसान पहुंचा सकते हैं लेकिन छोटे टुकड़ों से ज्यादा खतरा नहीं होता। वहीं, आमतौर पर ये सागरों में गिरते हैं क्योंकि धरती का ज्यादातर हिस्से पर पानी ही मौजूद है।

अगर किसी तेज रफ्तार स्पेस ऑब्जेक्ट के धरती से 46.5 लाख मील से करीब आने की संभावना होती है तो उसे स्पेस ऑर्गनाइजेशन्स खतरनाक मानते हैं। NASA का Sentry सिस्टम ऐसे खतरों पर पहले से ही नजर रखता है। इसमें आने वाले 100 सालों के लिए फिलहाल 22 ऐसे ऐस्टरॉइड्स हैं जिनके पृथ्वी से टकराने की थोड़ी सी भी संभावना है।

Posted by Technical Mechzone

nature, earth, environment, Technical knowledge, Technology, Uncategorized

Sea Monster: 50 million years old sea devil’s genes found in human body, scientist shocked; Know what effect

Genetic codes of the body shape, sensory organisms, immune system of the organisms of the early days of the earth are still present in different organisms on the earth.The time mentioned in this study was that of Ediacaran Era. These creatures used to stick to the surface of the oceans. Used to dig and eat the sea surface.

New Delhi: The genes of the 50 million year old marine organism are still present in the human body. Significantly, these creatures lived in the ancient seas. It is seen like leaves, teardrops, rope curved Whereas most sea creatures of that time did not look like this. Scientists are calling it a sea devil. Let’s know what are these demonic creatures and how their genes came into the human body.

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What study says

According to this study, the body size of the organisms of the early days of the earth, the sensory organisms, the genetic code of the immune system still exist in different organisms on the earth today.The time mentioned in this study was that of Ediacaran Era. These creatures used to stick to the surface of the oceans. Used to dig and eat the sea surface.

These are sea freaks

The specialty of these marine organisms was that they were called rangeomorphs.That is, for many years the scientist was confused about whether to call them leaf or jiva. It is called Satan the Devil because of the evil of changing its form. It is revealed that there are sea devil jeans inside humans.

These creatures were very mysterious

Scientists could not classify them due to the strangeness and different size of these organisms.Mary Droser, professor of geology at the University of California and Scott Irwin, research biologist at the National Museum of Natural History, Washington, along with Scott

These are four organisms – oval-looking Dickinsonia, tear drop-like Kimberella, uncharacteristically shaped tribrachidium and earthworms such as the earthworms.

Strange creatures

These four creatures had neither head nor feet. But they had some common features like the creatures of today. For example, three of these creatures were in equilibrium cemetery from left to right.Their bodies were divided into different parts. Today it is not possible that genetic makeup of these organisms can be done, but symmetry and division of body parts mix them with the existing organisms.

Extremely High Season Jeans

According to Scott, these four organisms had extremely high season jeans. They used to control their nervous system i.e. nervous system. That is, Regulatory Ge in them

What do these creatures do

This study has been published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B It has also been told that scientists have studied very complex genes that make up the nervous system and muscles. Such genes were present in these four marine organisms and are also found in today’s animals.

Posted by Technical Mechzone

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New bacteria found at International Space Station will be named after Indian scientist, Mars Mission can bring revolution

This new bacterium found from the space station, along with the growth of the plant, provides plants with the ability to fight disease.According to the researchers, this bacterium can also prove to be helpful in growing crops in space. Although not much research has been done about this yet Although not much research has been done about this yet, if this thing proves to be true, then research will also be done on growing crops in Mars with the help of this bacteria.

New Delhi: Two researchers from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) have made a major announcement.He said that a new species of bacteria has been discovered in the samples collected from the International Space Station (ISS).It is being speculated that this species of new bacteria can help us a lot in the mission of space.However, now only further research will be able to tell how much these bacteria will be able to help humans.

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Naming will be done in the name of an Indian scientist
Researchers Kasturi Venkateswaran and Nitin Kumar Singh (Researchers Kasturi Venkateswaran and Nitin Kumar Singh) from the University of Hyderabad researchers working with NASA reported that they had a total of 4 bacteria in the samples.These bacteria belong to the family Methylobacteriaceae. One of these four bacteria is Batteria, named Methylorubrum rhodesianum,Has already been discovered. The remaining three bacteria are completely new. According to both the researchers, the name of this new bacterium is being named as methylorubrum ajmalii after Dr. Ajmal Khan, the biodiversity scientist of India.

What will help with this search?

This new bacterium found from the space station, along with the growth of the plant, provides plants with the ability to fight disease. According to the researchers, this bacterium has also proved to be helpful in growing crops in space.Although not much research has been done about this yet, if this thing proves to be true, then research will also be done on growing crops in Mars with the help of this bacteria.

What is International Space Station
The International Space Station is a very large spacecraft. It constantly revolves around the earth. This is a station where astronauts live.This station has all the necessary facilities for humans to live. Along with this, it is also a science laboratory.

Many countries prepared together The International Space Station has been prepared by a number of space agencies.Russian NASA’s Russian Federal Space Agency (RKA), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Canada’s Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and European countries’ joint European Space A with NASA of America to build it Apart from these, the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB) is also working with NASA.

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Good news: NASA Rover technology will make airless wheels cycle, also available for common people

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When cycling, there is often the worry of having enough air in the wheels of the bicycle. But with the technology of NASA, such bicycle wheels are being made.In which there will be no need to fill the air. NASA has discovered this technology for lunar and Mars rover missions.Now, through this, bicycle tires will be made, which will be elastic like rubber and it will be as strong as titanium. It will give a great experience of cycling without flattening.

These advance tires are made of extremely material in weight known as nitinol. It will be available in golden, silver, metallic blue colors. They will use alloy tire technology to carry out future rover missions over rough terrain without hiccups, without NASA’s first consumer application.

Won’t have to wait NASA is actually making this tire in association with the startup Smart Tire Company. Interestingly, for these special tire bicycles, the cyclists will not have to wait long. The company’s CEO Earl Colley said in a statement That these space-age tires will be present soon. In this, even after wind, they are not flat. They say That this tile made with a mixture of advance material will prove to be revolutionary. Also their design is environmentally friendly design.

Posted by Technical Mechzone

nature, earth, environment, science, Technical knowledge, Uncategorized

If you see mobile before bed at night, then you must read this news

The use of mobiles while sleeping at night can be very dangerous for humans.

New Delhi: In today’s time mobile has become an important part of our life. This is the reason why people keep using the mobile at bedtime, awake and throughout the day. But do you know that the excessive use of mobiles is affecting our lives. Mobile usage can be very dangerous for a human being, especially while sleeping at night.

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lack of sleep
People who use mobile before bed at night. He sleeps less than normal. According to a study, if a person reads a book before sleeping at night.And while the other person uses the mobile, the study found that the person using the mobile had less sleep. Similarly, the person using the mobile daily with this routine has less sleep.

Lack of concentration
Naturally, due to lack of sleep, the human mind will get less rest. Due to which his concentration capacity decreases.Lack of focus affects the performance of the human mind. Along with this, the memory of a person also decreases.

Eyesight is affected
The blue rays emanating from the mobile damage our eyes. Especially in the dark at night, watching mobiles makes these blue rays even more dangerous for our eyes. This can cause damage to the retina of our eye.

Posted by Technical Mechzone

nature, earth, environment, science, Technical knowledge, Technology

पृथ्वी से भी पुराना है सहारा रेगिस्तान में मिला उल्कापिंड, क्या हैं इसके मायने

अफ्रीका (Afrcia) के सहारा रेगिस्तान (Sahara Desert) में एक उल्कापिंड (Meteroite) मिला है जो पृथ्वी (Earth) के बनने से पहले बना था. इससे सौरमंडल में ग्रह निर्माण की प्रक्रिया के बारे में पता चल सकता है.उल्कापिंड (Meteorite) के बारे में कहा जाता है कि वह उस समय के होते हैं जब हमारे सौरमंडल (Solar System) में पृथ्वी (Earth) जैसे ग्रहों का निर्माण हो रहा था. लेकिन शोधकर्ताओं ने अफ्रीका के सहारा रेगिस्तान (Sahara Desert) में एक उल्कापिंड की चट्टान का टुकड़ा खोजा है जो पृथ्वी से भी पुराना बताया जा रहा है. यह पत्थर एक ऐसे ग्रह का माना जा रहा जिसका निर्माण शुरू ही हुआ था और तक तक पृथ्वी अपने अस्तित्व में भी नहीं आई थी

क्या खास है इस उल्कापिंड में :इस उल्कापिंड को Erg Chech 002 या EC 002 नाम दिया गया है. शोधकर्ताओं के अनुसार यह एक पुरातन प्रोटोप्लैनेट की पर्पटी के अंदर बना था. प्रोटोप्लैनेट ग्रहों के मूल रचना खंड होते हैं. शोधकर्ताओं का कहना है कि यह अब तक का सबसे पुराना ज्ञात लावा है जो पृथ्वी पर गिरा है. इसका अध्ययन करने से हमारे सौरमंडल के शुरुआती समय में ग्रहों की निर्माण के बारे में जानकारी मिल सकती है.

कहां मिला है यह उल्कापिंड
यह पत्थर अफ्रीका के अलजीरिया के अर्ग चेच ड्यून सागर में मिला था और उसकी आधार पर उसे नाम दिया गया है. वास्तव में यह बहुत सारे उल्कापिंडों से बना है और उसका वजन 70 पाउंड यानि करीब 32 किलो का है. शोधकर्ताओं ने इसका विश्लेषण कर पाया है कि पर्पटी का यह टुकड़ा लावा की तरह पिघला हुआ था और उसके बाद क्रिस्टलीकरण होकर वह ठोस बन गया.

कितना पुराना
इस पत्थर के मैग्नीशियम और एल्यूमीनियम आइसोटोप्स के अध्ययन से पता चला है कि यह 4.566 अरब साल पुराना है जो अभी तक पाया गया सबसे पुराना आग्नेय शैल है. इससे पहले आग्नेय शैल वाला उल्कापिंड NWA11119 था जो EC002से 12.4 लाख साल छोटा है. पृथ्वी ईन पत्थरों से कई लाख सालों के बाद अस्तित्व में आई थी.

किससे बना है यह उल्कापिंड
यह उल्कापिंड में 58 प्रतिशत सिलिकॉन डाइऑक्साइड है जिससे पता चलता है कि पुराने पिंड के एंडेसाइट चट्टान की पर्पटी से बनी है. यह पृथ्वी के ज्वालामुखी इलाकों में पाई जाने वाली बेसाल्ट चट्टान से काफी अलग है. यह पभी पता चला है कि ऐसी पर्पटी हमारे सौरमंडल के शुरुआती समय में क्षुद्रग्रह और प्रोटोप्लैनेट में पाई जाती थी और आज यह बहुत ही कम पाई जाती है.

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बहुत ही ज्यादा अलग

प्रोसिडिसिंग्स ऑफ द नेशनल एकेडमी ऑफ साइंसेस में प्रकाशित इस अध्ययन की प्रमुख लेखिका और फ्रांस की वेस्टर्न ब्रिटैनी यूनिवर्सिटी में जियोकैमिस्ट्री की प्रोफेसरजीन एलिक्स बैरेट कहती हैं कि EC 002 दूसरे क्षुद्रग्रह समूहों से स्पष्ट तौर पर अलग है. किसी भी पिंड की स्पैक्ट्रल विशेषताएं इससे अभी तक कहीं भी मेल नहीं खाती नहीं दिखी हैं.

कम क्यों दिखते हैं ऐसे पिंड
बैरेट का दावा है कि पुरातन पर्पटी के अवशेष उल्कापिंड केरिकॉर्ड में न केवल बहुत ही कम पाए गए हैं, बल्कि ये आज के क्षुद्रग्रह की पट्टी में भी बहुत ही कम हैं. इससे यह संकेत मिलता है कि सौरमंडल के शुरुआती प्रोटोप्लैनेट और उनकी ज्यादातर टुकड़े या तो निश्चित तौर पर खत्म हो गए था. या फिर बढ़ते पथरीले ग्रहों से जुड़ते गए थे. यही वजह रही होगी पुरातन पर्पटी से निकलने वाले इस तरह के उल्कापिंड अपवाद की तरह दिख रहे हैं.माना जा रहा है कि EC 002 अपने मूल प्रोटोप्लैनेट की पर्पटी के ठंडे होने और क्रिटलीकरण होने के दशकों बाद निकला होगा जिससे वह उस समय के ग्रहों के क्रोड़ के विकास की जानकारी दे रहा है जब हमारी पृथ्वी अस्तित्व में ही नहीं थी.

Posted by Technical Mechzone

science, Technical knowledge, Technology

NASA releases first audio from Mars, video of Perseverance rover landing

Justin Maki, NASA Perservere imaging scientist and instrument operations team chief, reveals a full panorama the rover captured from the surface of Mars

The video clip showed the deployment of the parachute and the rover’s touchdown on the surface of the Red Planet

The U.S. space agency NASA on Monday released the first audio from Mars, a faint crackling recording of a gust of wind captured by the Perseverance rover

NASA also released the first video of last week’s landing of the rover, which is on a mission to search for signs of past life on the Red Planet.

A microphone did not work during the rover’s descent to the surface, but it was able to capture audio once it landed on Mars.

NASA engineers played a 60-second recording

What you hear there 10 seconds in is an actual wind gust on the surface of Mars picked up by the microphone and sent back to us here on Earth,” said Dave Gruel, lead engineer for the camera and microphone system on Perseverance.

The high-definition video clip, lasting three minutes and 25 seconds, shows the deployment of a red-and-white parachute with a 70.5-foot-wide (21.5-meter-wide) canopy.

It shows the heat shield dropping away after protecting Perseverance during its entry into the Martian atmosphere and the rover’s touchdown in a cloud of dust in the Jezero Crater just north of the Red Planet’s equator.

“This is the first time we’ve ever been able to capture an event like the landing on Mars,” said Michael Watkins, director of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which is managing the mission.

“These are really amazing videos,” Mr. Watkins said. “We binge-watched them all weekend.”

Thomas Zurbuchen, NASA’s associate administrator for science, said the video of Perseverance’s descent is “the closest you can get to landing on Mars without putting on a pressure suit.”

Perseverance is healthy’
Jessica Samuels, Perseverance’s surface mission manager, said the rover was operating as expected so far and engineers were conducting an intensive check of its systems and instruments.

“I am happy to report that Perseverance is healthy and is continuing with activities as we have been planning them,” Ms. Samuels said.

She said the team was preparing for a flight by the rover’s small helicopter drone dubbed Ingenuity.

“The team is still evaluating,” she said. “We have not locked in a site yet.”

Ingenuity will attempt the first powered flight on another planet and will have to achieve lift in an atmosphere that is just one percent the density of Earth’s.

Perseverance was launched on July 30, 2020 and landed on the surface of Mars on Thursday.

Its prime mission will last just over two years but it is likely to remain operational well beyond that. Its predecessor Curiosity is still functioning eight years after landing on Mars.

Over the coming years, Perseverance will attempt to collect 30 rock and soil samples in sealed tubes to be sent back to Earth sometime in the 2030s for lab analysis.

About the size of an SUV, the craft weighs a ton, is equipped with a seven-foot-long robotic arm, has 19 cameras, two microphones and a suite of cutting-edge instruments.

Mars was warmer and wetter in its distant past, and while previous exploration has determined the planet was habitable, Perseverance is tasked with determining whether it was actually inhabited.

It will begin drilling its first samples in summer, and along the way it will deploy new instruments to scan for organic matter, map chemical composition and zap rocks with a laser to study the vapor.

One experiment involves an instrument that can convert oxygen from Mars’ primarily carbon dioxide atmosphere, much like a plant.

The idea is that humans eventually won’t need to carry their own oxygen on hypothetical future trips, which is crucial for rocket fuel as well as for breathing.

The rover is only the fifth to set its wheels down on Mars. The feat was first accomplished in 1997, and all of them have been American.

The United States is preparing for an eventual human mission to the planet, though planning remains very preliminary.

Posted by Technical Mechzone

nature, earth, environment, science, Technical knowledge, Technical knowledge

NASA’s Perseverance rover makes historic Mars landing

The first image sent by NASA’s Perseverance rover upon touching down on Mars shows its shadow upon the Red Planet’s surface, at the Jezero crater.

The rover will begin its search for traces of ancient microbial life on Mars

NASA’s science rover Perseverance, the most advanced astrobiology laboratory ever sent to another world, streaked through the Martian atmosphere on Thursday and landed safely on the floor of a vast crater, its first stop on a search for traces of ancient microbial life on the Red Planet.

Mission managers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory near Los Angeles burst into applause and cheers as radio signals confirmed that the six-wheeled rover had survived its perilous descent and arrived within its target zone inside Jezero Crater, site of a long-vanished Martian lake bed.

The robotic vehicle sailed through space for nearly seven months, covering 293 million miles (472 million km) before piercing the Martian atmosphere at 12,000 miles per hour (19,000 km per hour) to begin its approach to touchdown on the planet’s surface.

The spacecraft’s self-guided descent and landing during a complex series of maneuvers that NASA dubbed “the seven minutes of terror” stands as the most elaborate and challenging feat in the annals of robotic spaceflight.

“It really is the beginning of a new era,” NASA’s associate administrator for science, Thomas Zurbuchen, said earlier in the day during NASA’s webcast of the event.

The landing represented the riskiest part of two-year, $2.7 billion endeavor whose primary aim is to search for possible fossilized signs of microbes that may have flourished on Mars some 3 billion years ago, when the fourth planet from the sun was warmer, wetter and potentially hospitable to life.

Scientists hope to find biosignatures embedded in samples of ancient sediments that Perseverance is designed to extract from Martian rock for future analysis back on Earth – the first such specimens ever collected by humankind from another planet.

Two subsequent Mars missions are planned to retrieve the samples and return them to NASA in the next decade.

Thursday’s landing came as a triumph for a pandemic-weary United States in the grips of economic dislocation caused by the COVID-19 public health crisis.

Search for ancient life
NASA scientists have described Perseverance as the most ambitious of nearly 20 U.S. missions to Mars dating back to the Mariner spacecraft’s 1965 fly-by.

Larger and packed with more instruments than the four Mars rovers preceding it, Perseverance is set to build on previous findings that liquid water once flowed on the Martian surface and that carbon and other minerals altered by water and considered precurors to the evolution of life were present.

Perseverance’s payload also includes demonstration projects that could help pave the way for eventual human exploration of Mars, including a device to convert the carbon dioxide in the Martian atmosphere into pure oxygen.

The box-shaped tool, the first built to extract a natural resource of direct use to humans from an extraterrestrial environment, could prove invaluable for future human life support on Mars and for producing rocket propellant to fly astronauts home.

Another experimental prototype carried by Perseverance is a miniature helicopter designed to test the first powered, controlled flight of an aircraft on another planet. If successful, the 4-pound (1.8-kg) helicopter could lead to low-altitude aerial surveillance of distant worlds, officials said.

The daredevil nature of the rover’s descent to the Martian surface, at a site that NASA described as both tantalizing to scientists and especially hazardous for landing, was a momentous achievement in itself.

The multi-stage spacecraft carrying the rover soared into the top of Martian atmosphere at nearly 16 times the speed of sound on Earth, angled to produce aerodynamic lift while jet thrusters adjusted its trajectory.

A jarring, supersonic parachute inflation further slowed the descent, giving way to deployment of a rocket-powered “sky crane” vehicle that flew to a safe landing spot, lowered the rover on tethers, then flew off to crash a safe distance away.

Perseverance’s immediate predecessor, the rover Curiosity, landed in 2012 and remains in operation, as does the stationary lander InSight, which arrived in 2018 to study the deep interior of Mars.

Last week, separate probes launched by the United Arab Emirates and China reached Martian orbit. NASA has three Mars satellites still in orbit, along with two from the European Space Agency.

Posted by Technical Mechzone