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NASA’s Curiosity Rover sent selfie from Mars, showing rocky sight of red planet

NASA’s Curiosity Rover has started working on a rock on Mars since early March. It is named Mont Mercou.The 6-meter-high rock is taken by Rover in a selfie. In the selfie, the rover is seen in front of the rock and the new drill hole is also seen on Nontron, a sample rock. This is the 30th sample of the rover.

This selfie is made up of 60 photographs taken by Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI). It is mounted on the rover’s robotic arm. These photos were mixed with 11 photos taken from Mastcam.Earlier, Rover’s Mastcam also took some panorama photos.

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Curiosity transformed the sample into powder after taking it and kept it safe.With their help, the team will study the structure of the rock and try to find out how the history of Mars was. Mont Mercou is a place in France near the village named Nontron. On Mars, scientists found the clay mineral Nontronite which is found in Nontron. That is why this place was named after Nontron.

A few days ago Curiosity sent a video of Mars clouds. These views were captured in the cameras mounted on him.Eight new photos showed five-minute views from the navigation camera’s eye. They were seen moving like the clouds of the earth. These were shared by Scientist Paul Brynern of North Carolina State University.

Posted by Technical Mechzone

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