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If you see mobile before bed at night, then you must read this news

The use of mobiles while sleeping at night can be very dangerous for humans.

New Delhi: In today’s time mobile has become an important part of our life. This is the reason why people keep using the mobile at bedtime, awake and throughout the day. But do you know that the excessive use of mobiles is affecting our lives. Mobile usage can be very dangerous for a human being, especially while sleeping at night.

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lack of sleep
People who use mobile before bed at night. He sleeps less than normal. According to a study, if a person reads a book before sleeping at night.And while the other person uses the mobile, the study found that the person using the mobile had less sleep. Similarly, the person using the mobile daily with this routine has less sleep.

Lack of concentration
Naturally, due to lack of sleep, the human mind will get less rest. Due to which his concentration capacity decreases.Lack of focus affects the performance of the human mind. Along with this, the memory of a person also decreases.

Eyesight is affected
The blue rays emanating from the mobile damage our eyes. Especially in the dark at night, watching mobiles makes these blue rays even more dangerous for our eyes. This can cause damage to the retina of our eye.

Posted by Technical Mechzone

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